
Wisenet is a division of Adapt IT

Australia’s #1 AVETMISS Compliant Student Management System

Got reporting pain? Get leading AVETMISS reporting tools for your RTO in 2021.

AVETMISS Management System

With over 20 years of industry leadership in compliance management, Wisenet is the vendor of choice for the leading vocational training organisations.

Manage AVETMISS with ease with pre-populated AVETMISS fields along with compliant exports for all States and Territories.


AVETMISS stands for the Australian Vocational Education and Training Management Information Statistical Standard. It is a national data standard which ensures the consistency and accuracy of vocational education and training (VET) information and covers the national VET data collections:

The National VET Provider Collection

The National Apprentice and Trainee Collection

The National VET in Schools Collection

The National VET Funding Data Collection

See how Wisenet's AVETMISS management system makes reporting simple

Book a demo today!