
Wisenet is a division of Adapt IT

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Sales+ FAQs

We Love Questions!

Here are a few questions we get asked often:

Feature and Benefits

Can I use Sales+ as a CRM?

Yes. Sales+ is a CRM built specifically for the education industry. And if you are currently using a CRM, we may be able to import your existing data into your Student Management System to optimise your CRM experience.

Will students be able to view and make enrolment applications on their smartphone or tablet?

Yes. Sales+ is mobile-friendly. It is a responsive application, meaning all screens are sized automatically for both smartphone and tablet to allow everyone to submit them from any device.

Can learners upload a document with their enrolment application?

Yes. Applicants can upload documents defined by you. Click here to learn more about uploading documents online.

Can I publish any type of course to my website? I.e. Traineeships, higher-ed, short courses, etc.

Yes. Sales+ caters for all types of education/training providers. No matter the type of education you deliver, the Sales Process can be configured to meet your needs. The Application Process can even be configured to dynamically change per Course, Intake or even type of Enrolment.

Can I quickly view the progress of new enquiries?

Yes. You can monitor data and statistics with the reporting, graph and chart features built in the App.

Can I show course availability in a calendar view?

Yes. And you can control the calendar view per Course.

Can I send emails or SMS messages from Sales+?

Yes. Emails and SMS messages can be sent individually, in bulk or via automation.

Do I need to have a Wisenet LRM subscription to use Sales+?

Yes. Sales+ is set up via the Wisenet platform. We offer different subscription plans to suit your requirements. Click here to see and compare our Sales+ Editions.

I use another SMS other than Wisenet, can I subscribe to Sales+ and integrate it with my SMS?

Contact us to discuss.

Do I need to engage a website developer or have programming knowledge to integrate Sales+ with my website?

No. Sales+ allows you to easily design and publish online contact and application forms with zero coding needed.

Does Sales+ keep a record of all interactions (enquiries, applications, emails, etc) made with a prospective learner?

Yes. Sales+ is designed to provide a full history of every sales interaction.

Can I obtain a digital signature during the application process?

Yes. You can choose to add an electronic signature box when building your online form to allow applicants to sign for a binding agreement during the application process.

What happens when an application is made?

Once an Application is submitted. It is processed by the Form Submission engine that adds a Learner and Application for the selected Intake before completing the defined automation instructions. eg.

  1. Auto Accept Application

  2. Auto Enrol into Elearning Courses

  3. Auto Email / SMS the applicant

  4. Auto link to Agent or Workplace

  5. Create a Task to review Application

  6. Generate pdf of Application

If I accept an application, does it automatically become an enrolled Learner in Wisenet LRM?

Yes. When an application status is updated to be Accepted, it means that the Learner has met all criteria for being accepted into the Course. The application automatically becomes an Enrolment and will no longer appear as an Application. The only manual step from here will be to choose an Enrolment Status. There is also functionality that can allow you to Auto Accept an Application. Click here to learn more about Education Sales Management.

Can I manage my own courses and course details that get published to my website?

Sales+ is a new site that sits alongside your existing website. Therefore you will still be responsible for managing what content is on your website to ensure it is fulfilling the purpose of attracting customers to your site and getting them to Enquire or Apply.

The only changes that will need to be added to your website are new Call-To-Actions for Enquiry, Contact, Explore Availability etc to point to specific URLs in Sales+.

Can I create my own custom Enquiry or Application forms to gather information specific to my education provider?

Yes. We provide you with templates so you can get started quickly and then have full freedom to customise the templates to fit your needs.

Can I set up automated workflows to manage standard business processes?

Yes. Sales+ has a powerful automation workflow engine to help you automate processes from enquiry to enrolment. Click here to learn more about Automated Workflows in Wisenet.

Set Up

Can I apply my own branding style?

Yes. We highly encourage consistency with your corporate identity and brand guidelines. Click here to learn more about how to customise the Sales App.

How do I publish Course and Intakes to Sales+?

The publishing of Courses and Intakes is done from within the Wisenet admin app. This gives you full control of which course/intakes are published and with what properties. When to publish and the application process.

I have multiple education brands as part of my business, can I use Sales+ to manage different sites?

Yes if you are on the Premium Edition. Sales+ allows you to give applicants a customised experience by using multiple sites to tailor your message and localise content according to your multiple target markets. Compare Editions and Contact Us to find out how to upgrade.

How do I link Sales+ to my website?

The easiest way to link your Website to Sales+ is to keep all of your existing content that is used for your marketing and SEO. And just update your Call-To-Actions for Enquiry, Contact, Explore Availability etc to point to specific URLs in Sales+

Billing and Payments

How do I get payments from Sales+ to my bank account?

When setting up the Billing and Payments App in Wisenet, you are required to supply your bank details. The supplied bank details will be used by Wisenet to payout funds that have been collected. Click here to learn more about Billing and Payments in Wisenet.

Can I take electronic payments?

Yes. When setting up the Billing and Payments App in Wisenet, you are required to supply your bank details. The supplied bank details will be used by Wisenet to payout funds that have been collected. Click here to learn more about Billing and Payments in Wisenet.

I already have a payment gateway in place, can I use it with Sales+?

Payment gateway is not required with Sales+. Therefore, you cannot use an existing payment gateway that you have. Instead, you are required to set up the Billing & Payments Connected App in Wisenet. Click here to learn more about Billing and Payments in Wisenet.

Can I handle payments in multiple currencies?

Currently payments can only be processed in the default currency set in the Billing and Payments App. However, the option to handle payments in multiple currencies is a feature that we are working on to release in future feature updates.

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