The Wisenet student management software team and RU OK? Day encourage you to reach out, because a conversation can change a life!
The R U OK? initiative has always been important and the events of 2020 really bring the campaign to light. If you are not familiar with it, 10th September is R U OK?Day which drives awareness that a conversation can change a life. It is vital that we try to practice R U OK? wherever possible.
We all know that there are a lot of people that are having a tough time, especially in 2020! In the business of student management software, we are dealing with individuals from all walks of life on a daily basis. What we've noticed is that everyone has been affected in some way.
In these unprecedented times it is difficult to have so much uncertainty and minimal input on what we can do as individuals to help get society back to “normal” as a result of COVID-19.
Around the world there have been tag-lines like ‘We are all in this together’, it reminded me of some of my favourite quotes from books and movies that define the importance of one's own actions towards a collective influence.
Haskell Moore: “No matter what you do it will never amount to anything more than a single drop in a limitless ocean.”
Adam Ewing: “What is an ocean but a multitude of drops?” - Cloud Atlas
Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not. - Lorax
As individuals we have a choice in how we influence the world around us. Whether it’s in our decisions surrounding environmental impacts, human rights, or reaching out to family, friends, colleagues, or the broader community to strengthen mental health. Each positive influence triggers the ripple effect that ensures that the ‘ocean’ is calm.
I know that I have been more mindful of what I could do to reach out to my network to check in and ensure that they are managing during extended lockdowns. With this said, I encourage you to take a step back and think about what ripple you could create in both passing on the R U OK? message as well as ensuring that individuals in your life are R OK.
There are many tools and techniques available, however mostly it's a conversation where you listen and allow another to be heard.
This is a great video that outlines the importance of empathy: