If you don’t want to miss out on student enrolment, it is essential that your RTO has a well-grounded admissions plan in place. With an increase in RTO enrolments, comes an increase in revenue. Taking student recruitment progression lightly can be detrimental and may set your RTO back, especially since the boom in education's global reach and the competition this brings.
Educational institutions are becoming more competitive to maximise student admissions, leaving RTOs no choice but to meet and exceed the expectations of students with an online enrolment system or CRM to ensure a high return on their investment. Don’t let your competition leap ahead of you. By ensuring a modern student recruitment process, you’ll easily increase your student intake. Use a student management CRM to increase enrolments and take your college to new heights in three easy steps.
Step 1: Simplify Your RTO Enrolment Process With Customised Forms
Sometimes the smallest of things can make the biggest difference. Students and individuals alike have at some point completed an online form, whether applying for a job, completing details for a shipment, or registering for an online course. It is empirical that the experience of completion is seamless and uncomplicated, leaving no room for frustration.
Students crave convenience, therefore having modernised, simple, easy to read forms can result in an application process that will more than likely retain prospective students who visit your college website. Opt for a student management CRM that gives you the freedom to design your own website and forms, but also allows you to:
Configure Custom Fields
Configure Custom Logic
Configure Custom Styles
Configure Custom Labels
Configure Custom Pages & Panels
Step 2: Publish Courses To Your RTO According To Preference
The right college sales tool or CRM can be a boon for prospective students and the admissions team. Modernising student recruitment encompasses many vital aspects that will aid in boosting enrolments, such as ensuring the best student experience through a website that is easy on the eye, easy to navigate, courses published in a simple and readable format, and various other features.
To ensure students do not bounce from your college website, make sure to select a learner management system that boasts various modern features that will keep them engaged, including:
Configuration of Branding & Styles
Configuration of Application Options
Publish to one or more Websites
Generate QR Codes
Generate Application Links
Step 3: Manage Submissions Seamlessly to Retain Interest
The advancement of technology has no doubt made our lives easier, faster, and better. With literally everything being online, students today expect so much more during the enrolment process. Not only do they expect you to provide them with a secure, user-friendly, intuitive online platform to apply for courses, but they expect timely feedback and continuous communication about application and admissions decisions.
Having an RTO sales tool or CRM that allows you to manage opportunities is an expectation to recruit students. To modernise your student recruitment process, select a student management CRM that allows you to configure message templates, design documents, and contracts, manage opportunities, accept, and reject applications, monitor metrics, and more!
Student recruitment entails much more than simply communicating with students. Being up-to-date and current with a CRM tool that enhances the application process is essential for RTOs to be successful, now and in the future.