Avoid payment delays and improve cash flow
We have invested greatly in our Claims Reporting Tool for TCSI data and VSL/HE reporting so you don’t have to, that way you have the best chance of being paid by the federal government on time, without the fuss.
Cash is king so that is why improving your claims process will avoid unnecessary delays that could result in adverse effects in cash flow. The new Claims Reporting Module can streamline this process with technology that is designed to remove the complexities out of your reporting and claims process.
Free up your time for more high value tasks
Spend less time on collecting and reporting data and more time on what is important. By removing manual data syncing or file export and upload processes, Wisenet fully automates the claims process. Simply collect TCSI data and Wisenet will do the rest.
Wisenet removes the complexity of VSL and HE reporting. When combined with our comprehensive documentation and training, we offer our customers an easy path to generating revenue from an entirely new market of domestic students.
All VSL/HE data is automatically kept in sync with TCSI
Dashboards that allow for TCSI monitoring
Advanced tools to assist with data validation errors
Automated processes used in other VSL and HE features
Commonwealth Assistance Notices (CAN) and invoice generation
Using Wisenet
Full automated document generation with email delivery
Email delivery status (sent, opened, clicked)
Set desired schedule based on the unit of study census dates
Custom email templates for personalisation
Using the alternative
Manually running reports or looking for records that have specific census dates to then manually process the required documents and send via email.
Electronic Commonwealth Assistance Form (eCAF) integration
Using Wisenet
Create eCAF in one click from within Wisenet
Simple eCAF monitoring and processing within Wisenet
eCAF progression management within Wisenet
Using the alternative
Logging in to the eCAF website and manually entering eCAF enrolment data. Then manually monitoring eCAF progress from within the eCAF site.
Automate processes throughout the learner's journey
Using Wisenet
Application management processes to automate email or sms communications
Task creation to manage any cool-off periods
Enable our Learner App or eLearning access
Sync Learners to Xero
Using the alternative
Remembering each activity that needs to be actioned at every stage of the learner’s lifecycle and then manually completing this activity.
Frequently Asked Questions about VSL and FH
What is VET Student Loan?
VET Student Loan (VSL) is an Australian Government initiative that allows eligible students to pay part of all of their course fees via a government loan known as VET Student Loans. This is specific to vocational education and training (VET) of higher levels (diploma and above).
What do I need to do as a VSL provider?
RTOs and HEPs (Higher Education Providers) must comply with specific regulations, data collection and reporting requirements. Providers must collect both AVETMISS and VSL data for any VSL courses being delivered.
Learn how to become a VSL approved provider.
To access VFH assistance, a student must be:
Eligible for VFH assistance
Studying with a VFH approved provider
Studying a VFH approved course
What is FEE Help (FH)?
Higher Education FEE Help (FH) is a Commonwealth government loan initiative that allows eligible students to pay all of or part of their tuition fees. This is specific eligible students enroled in registered FEE Help providers or Open Universities Australia (OUA).Students are eligible for FEE Help if they:
Are studying at an approved FEE-HELP provider (approved provider) or through Open Universities Australia (OUA)
Are enrolled in an eligible unit of study by the census date for that unit
Are either:
1) An Australian citizen, or
2) A permanent humanitarian visa holder (resident in Australia for the duration of the UoS)
Are a permanent visa holder who is undertaking bridging study for overseas-trained professionals, and will be resident in Australia for the duration of the study
Have not exceeded the FEE-HELP limit
Can provide: Meet one of the following tax file number (TFN) requirements:
A valid Tax File Number, or
A Certificate of application for a TFN
For more information on VET Student Loans and FEE Help/Higher Education reporting, visit our free Resource Centre.